Shaolin Kempo Kung-Fu
Our school’s main tradition is a Chinese art called Shaolin (少林- Young Forest) Kempo [Quan Fa] (拳法- Fist Law or Boxing) Kung-Fu (功夫 – Skill), combined with some elements of Karate (空手 – Empty Hand) and Sanshou (散手-‘free-style fighting’). The art traces its origins back over 1500 years to the original Songshan Shaolin Temple of China.
Shaolin Kempo Kung-Fu techniques are divided into four general fighting categories:

Da (打):
Striking with any part of the hands, arms or head.

Ti (踢):
Kicking with any part of the foot, knee or legs

Qin-Na (擒拿):
Wrestling methods that seize or control the opponent through locks, pins, pressure points, or wrestling.

Shuai-Jiao (摔角):
Wrestling methods which unbalance, sweep or throw the opponent down
A well-rounded martial artist
must not only be proficient in these Four Ways of Fighting
but also be able to seamlessly integrate them together as one,
thereby eliminating all weaknesses and vulnerabilities.
People today are bigger, stronger, and much more knowledgeable about various weapons and methods of fighting. Also, due to current cultural and educational advancements, we also recognize that people learn differently than those in the past generations, therefore the method of teaching must adapt accordingly.
Shaolin Kempo Kung-fu
employs traditional training drills and techniques combined with new innovations in teaching and technology to accommodate the needs of modern-day society, and today’s aspiring martial artists.
Whether your interest is in learning a skill, participating in competitive events, learning self-defense, or just want to gain confidence and peace of mind,
Shaolin Kempo Kung-fu can help you achieve your goals!